What has hit him hardest after world rugby ban

You're referring to Israel Folau, the Australian former professional rugby player who was banned from playing for the Australian national team and the Rugby Australia team after making controversial comments on social media.

According to various reports and interviews, here are some things that have hit him hardest after the ban:

  1. Loss of income: Folau's ban meant he lost his contract with Rugby Australia and his income from playing for the Wallabies. He had been one of the highest-paid players in the Australian team.
  2. Loss of identity: Rugby had been a significant part of Folau's life for many years, and the ban took away his sense of purpose and identity. He had been a professional rugby player since 2011 and had represented Australia in multiple World Cups.
  3. Media scrutiny: Folau has been subject to intense media scrutiny since the ban, with many outlets criticizing his comments and actions. He has struggled to cope with the constant negative attention.
  4. Support from teammates and fans: Folau has spoken about how he felt betrayed by some of his teammates and fans, who he felt did not support him during the controversy. This lack of support has been difficult for him to deal with.
  5. Personal relationships: The ban has also put a strain on Folau's personal relationships, including his marriage. His wife, Maria, has been a vocal supporter of her husband, but the controversy has taken a toll on their relationship.
  6. Loss of role model status: Folau was a respected and admired figure in Australian rugby, particularly among young players. The ban has meant he can no longer serve as a role model or inspire young players.
  7. Emotional toll: The ban has taken a significant emotional toll on Folau, who has spoken about feeling depressed, anxious, and isolated. He has struggled to come to terms with the loss of his career and the negative attention he has received.

Overall, the ban has had a profound impact on Folau's life, both personally and professionally. He has spoken publicly about the challenges he has faced and the toll the controversy has taken on his mental and emotional well-being.