Webster new international dictionary 2nd edition

A classic!

The Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, also known as the "Unabridged" or "WNID2", is a comprehensive dictionary published in 1934 by Merriam-Webster. It is considered one of the most authoritative and influential dictionaries in the English language.

Here are some key features of the WNID2:

  1. Comprehensive coverage: The dictionary contains over 450,000 entries, including words, phrases, idioms, and expressions from various fields, such as science, technology, literature, and everyday life.
  2. Detailed definitions: Each entry provides a detailed definition, often with multiple senses, examples, and etymological information.
  3. Illustrations and diagrams: The dictionary includes over 1,000 illustrations, diagrams, and maps to help explain complex concepts and technical terms.
  4. Phonetic transcriptions: The dictionary provides phonetic transcriptions for each entry, helping readers with pronunciation.
  5. Etymologies: The WNID2 includes extensive etymological information, tracing the origins and evolution of words and phrases.
  6. Citations: The dictionary includes over 1.5 million citations from a wide range of sources, including literature, newspapers, and technical publications.
  7. Style and usage guidance: The dictionary provides guidance on grammar, punctuation, and style, as well as advice on usage and idiomatic expressions.

The WNID2 was a groundbreaking work in its time, and its influence can still be seen in modern dictionaries and language resources. It remains a valuable reference for scholars, writers, and language learners alike.

Some interesting facts about the WNID2:

Overall, the Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, is a testament to the power of language and the importance of preserving and documenting the English language.