Education news today

Here are some of the latest education news stories from around the world:

United States

  1. Biden Administration Announces Plan to Increase Funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities: The Biden administration has announced a plan to increase funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by $2 billion over the next five years. (Source: The New York Times)
  2. Florida Governor Signs Bill Allowing Teachers to Carry Guns in Classrooms: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill allowing teachers to carry guns in classrooms, despite opposition from many educators and parents. (Source: CNN)
  3. California Proposes Free College Tuition for Low-Income Students: California has proposed a plan to offer free college tuition to low-income students, making it the latest state to consider such a program. (Source: The Los Angeles Times)


  1. UK Government Announces Plan to Increase Funding for Schools: The UK government has announced a plan to increase funding for schools by £2.6 billion over the next three years, with a focus on supporting disadvantaged students. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Australia Introduces New Curriculum Focusing on Indigenous Culture: Australia has introduced a new curriculum that focuses on Indigenous culture and history, aiming to promote greater understanding and reconciliation. (Source: The Sydney Morning Herald)
  3. India Launches Program to Provide Free Education to All Children: India has launched a program to provide free education to all children, aiming to increase access to education and reduce dropout rates. (Source: The Hindu)

Technology and Education

  1. AI-Powered Tutoring Platform Raises $100 Million in Funding: An AI-powered tutoring platform has raised $100 million in funding, aiming to expand its services to more students and schools. (Source: EdSurge)
  2. Virtual Reality Used to Enhance Learning Experience for Students: A school in the US is using virtual reality to enhance the learning experience for students, allowing them to explore historical sites and learn about science and technology. (Source: The Verge)
  3. Online Learning Platform Partners with Universities to Offer Free Courses: An online learning platform has partnered with several universities to offer free courses to students, aiming to increase access to higher education. (Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education)

Other News

  1. Study Finds that Teacher Burnout is a Growing Concern: A study has found that teacher burnout is a growing concern, with many educators feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. (Source: The Washington Post)
  2. New Report Highlights the Importance of Early Childhood Education: A new report has highlighted the importance of early childhood education, finding that it has a significant impact on a child's future academic and career success. (Source: The Hechinger Report)
  3. College Admissions Scandal Leads to Calls for Reform: The college admissions scandal has led to calls for reform, with many arguing that the system is broken and needs to be overhauled. (Source: The New York Times)