We have evacuated bodies of soldiers killed in metele attack nigerian army

I'm so sorry to hear that. The Métélé attack in Niger was a tragic incident that resulted in the loss of many lives, including those of Nigerian soldiers.

It's heartbreaking to think about the families and loved ones of the fallen soldiers, who must be going through a difficult time. The Nigerian Army's efforts to evacuate the bodies of the soldiers killed in the attack are a crucial step in bringing closure to the families and ensuring that the soldiers receive a dignified burial.

I hope that the Nigerian government and the military will continue to provide support to the families of the fallen soldiers, including financial assistance, counseling, and other forms of aid. It's also important that the government takes steps to investigate the circumstances surrounding the attack and to hold those responsible accountable.

In the meantime, I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers and to the people of Nigeria. May the memories of the soldiers who lost their lives in the Métélé attack be a reminder of their bravery and sacrifice, and may their families find comfort in the knowledge that they will never be forgotten.