Watch tacha answer fans questions on her vlog

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Tacha, the popular Nigerian reality TV star and influencer, has a vlog where she answers questions from her fans. Here's a summary of what she talks about in one of her recent vlogs:

Q: What's your favorite thing about being a celebrity?

Tacha: "Honestly, it's the ability to inspire and motivate people. I love seeing my fans grow and become better versions of themselves because of something I said or did. It's a huge responsibility, but it's also incredibly rewarding."

Q: How do you handle criticism and negativity online?

Tacha: "I've learned to ignore the noise and focus on the positive. I know that not everyone will like me, and that's okay. I'm not here to please everyone. I'm here to be myself and make a difference. When I do come across negative comments, I try to use them as an opportunity to learn and grow."

Q: What's the most challenging part of being a celebrity?

Tacha: "For me, it's the constant scrutiny and pressure to always be 'on.' People expect me to be perfect all the time, and it can be overwhelming. But I've learned to take things one day at a time and prioritize my mental health."

Q: What's your favorite way to relax and unwind?

Tacha: "I love taking long baths with Epsom salts and essential oils. It's my go-to way to relax and recharge. I also enjoy reading and watching movies. Sometimes, I'll even have a movie marathon with my friends."

Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

Tacha: "I would tell my younger self to be more patient and not to worry so much about what others think. I would also tell myself to take more risks and not be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of growth, and it's okay to make mistakes."

Q: What's next for you? Any new projects or collaborations in the works?

Tacha: "I'm actually working on a new project that I'm really excited about. I can't reveal too much just yet, but let's just say it's going to be a game-changer. Stay tuned for more updates!"

That's a quick summary of what Tacha talked about in her vlog. I hope you enjoyed it!