Finally denel begins paying salaries after agreement with solidarity

It's great to hear that Denel, a South African state-owned defense company, has finally started paying salaries to its employees after an agreement with the Solidarity trade union.

For months, Denel employees had been struggling to receive their salaries on time, leading to financial difficulties and uncertainty for many families. The situation was particularly dire for employees who were already struggling to make ends meet, and the delay in payment had a significant impact on their livelihoods.

The agreement between Denel and Solidarity is a welcome development, as it ensures that employees will receive their salaries in a timely manner. This is not only a relief for the employees but also a testament to the power of collective bargaining and the importance of unions in protecting workers' rights.

It's also a positive step forward for Denel, as it demonstrates the company's commitment to its employees and its willingness to work with unions to resolve issues. By paying its employees on time, Denel is not only fulfilling its obligations but also showing that it values its employees and is committed to their well-being.

Overall, the agreement between Denel and Solidarity is a positive development for all parties involved, and it sets a good precedent for future labor relations in the country.