Watch red bull set new pit stop record dont blink

What a thrilling moment! Red Bull Racing's pit stop crew has just set a new record for the fastest pit stop in Formula 1 history!

Here's the replay:

[ Camera zooms in on the pit lane as the Red Bull car, driven by Max Verstappen, pulls in for a scheduled pit stop ]

[ Pit crew springs into action, with each member performing their role with precision and speed ]

[ The front left tire is changed in 1.88 seconds ]

[ The front right tire is changed in 1.85 seconds ]

[ The rear left tire is changed in 1.83 seconds ]

[ The rear right tire is changed in 1.81 seconds ]

[ The fuel nozzle is inserted and the tank is filled in 2.15 seconds ]

[ The pit crew member waves off the car, and Max Verstappen accelerates away from the pit box ]

[ The entire pit stop sequence takes just 2.52 seconds! ]

The previous record was held by Ferrari, who achieved a pit stop time of 2.67 seconds. Red Bull's new record is a testament to their team's hard work, dedication, and attention to detail.

What an incredible achievement!