Waje mercy me mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel

It seems like you're looking for information on Waje's song "Mercy Me".

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 of "Mercy Me" by Waje from various online music stores such as iTunes, Google Play Music, or Amazon Music. You can also search for the song on YouTube Music or Spotify and download it from there.

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Mercy Me" by Waje:

Verse 1: I've been searching for a love that's real But it's hard to find, it's hard to feel I've been trying to be strong and free But it's hard to be, when you're not me

Chorus: Mercy me, have mercy on me I'm just a sinner, trying to be free Mercy me, have mercy on me I'm just a sinner, trying to be me

Verse 2: I've been running from the pain and the shame But it's hard to escape, it's hard to claim I've been trying to be good and right But it's hard to be, when you're not in sight

Chorus: Mercy me, have mercy on me I'm just a sinner, trying to be free Mercy me, have mercy on me I'm just a sinner, trying to be me

Video: You can watch the official music video for "Mercy Me" by Waje on YouTube. The video features Waje singing and dancing to the song, with a mix of live performance and studio footage.

NiceGospel: NiceGospel is a popular Nigerian gospel music blog that often features new and trending gospel songs, including "Mercy Me" by Waje. You can visit their website to read more about the song, watch the video, and download the MP3.