Vanguard news on strike

Vanguard, a leading news organization in Nigeria, has been on strike since October 2020. The strike was called by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in protest of the non-payment of salaries and benefits to its members by the management of Vanguard Newspapers.

The strike, which has been ongoing for over a year, has had a significant impact on the operations of Vanguard, with many of its journalists and other staff members refusing to work until their demands are met.

The main demands of the striking journalists include:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and benefits: The journalists are demanding the payment of salaries and benefits that are owed to them by the management of Vanguard Newspapers.
  2. Improved working conditions: The journalists are demanding improved working conditions, including better equipment, training, and support for their work.
  3. Recognition of the NUJ: The journalists are demanding recognition of the NUJ as the sole representative of journalists in Vanguard Newspapers.

The strike has been ongoing for over a year, and it has had a significant impact on the operations of Vanguard. Many of the newspaper's journalists and other staff members have been on strike, and the newspaper has been unable to publish its usual editions.

The strike has also had an impact on the public, with many readers expressing their support for the striking journalists. The strike has also been covered by other news organizations, with many of them reporting on the situation and the demands of the striking journalists.

It is unclear when the strike will end, as the negotiations between the management of Vanguard Newspapers and the NUJ have been ongoing for over a year. However, the strike is likely to continue until the demands of the striking journalists are met.