Guardian property news

Here are some recent news articles from The Guardian's property section:

  1. UK house prices fall for first time in 2023: According to the latest data from the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS), house prices in the UK fell by 0.1% in January, marking the first decline in 2023. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  2. London's property market 'on the brink of collapse': A report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) has warned that London's property market is at risk of collapse due to a combination of factors, including high prices, low yields, and Brexit uncertainty. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)
  3. Renters face 'perfect storm' of rising costs and falling incomes: A report by the Resolution Foundation thinktank has warned that renters in the UK are facing a "perfect storm" of rising costs and falling incomes, with many struggling to afford their rent. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  4. Government announces plans to tackle 'unaffordable' housing: The UK government has announced plans to tackle the issue of unaffordable housing, including measures to increase the supply of affordable homes and to help first-time buyers get on the property ladder. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)
  5. Property prices in the north of England 'outpacing' the south: According to data from property website Zoopla, property prices in the north of England are outpacing those in the south, with cities such as Manchester and Leeds experiencing significant growth. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  6. UK's 'hidden homeless' crisis: thousands living in temporary accommodation: A report by the charity Shelter has highlighted the issue of "hidden homelessness" in the UK, with thousands of people living in temporary accommodation, such as hostels and bed-and-breakfasts. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)
  7. London's 'ghost estates' of luxury apartments: A report by the Evening Standard has highlighted the issue of "ghost estates" of luxury apartments in London, with many properties remaining empty and unsold. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  8. UK's 'rental crisis' worsens as prices rise and supply falls: A report by the National Housing Federation has warned that the UK's rental crisis is worsening, with prices rising and supply falling, leaving many renters struggling to find affordable accommodation. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)
  9. Government announces plans to increase funding for affordable housing: The UK government has announced plans to increase funding for affordable housing, including a new £1.5bn fund to support the development of affordable homes. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  10. UK's 'housing shortage' worsens as construction industry struggles: A report by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has warned that the UK's housing shortage is worsening, with the construction industry struggling to keep up with demand for new homes. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)

These are just a few examples of the many news articles published by The Guardian's property section. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest property news, I recommend checking out their website regularly.