Update biden wins biggest prize michigan deals big blow to sanders

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Biden Wins Biggest Prize: Michigan Deals Big Blow to Sanders

In a major upset, Joe Biden has won the crucial state of Michigan, dealing a significant blow to Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign. The victory in Michigan, a key battleground state, gives Biden a significant boost in the Democratic primary race.

With 99% of precincts reporting, Biden has secured 52.6% of the vote, while Sanders trails behind with 46.4%. The win marks a major comeback for Biden, who was trailing Sanders in the polls just a week ago.

The Michigan primary was seen as a crucial test for both candidates, with Sanders needing a strong showing to maintain his momentum and Biden looking to regain his footing after a series of losses in recent weeks.

The win in Michigan is a significant blow to Sanders' campaign, which had been riding high after a series of victories in recent weeks. The Vermont senator had been seen as the front-runner in the race, but Biden's victory in Michigan suggests that the race is far from over.

The outcome of the Michigan primary sets the stage for a potentially long and grueling primary season, with several more states set to hold primaries in the coming weeks.