Uni t circuit breaker finder

The Uni-T circuit breaker finder is a handy tool designed to help you locate circuit breakers in your home or office. Here's a brief overview:

What is a circuit breaker finder?

A circuit breaker finder is a device that uses a magnetic field to detect the presence of a circuit breaker. It's a simple, non-invasive tool that helps you identify the location of a circuit breaker in a panel or box.

How does it work?

The Uni-T circuit breaker finder uses a magnetic sensor to detect the magnetic field generated by the circuit breaker's internal mechanism. When you hold the device near the circuit breaker, it will detect the magnetic field and indicate the presence of the breaker.



How to use the Uni-T circuit breaker finder:

  1. Turn off the power to the circuit: Make sure the circuit is turned off before using the device.
  2. Hold the device near the circuit breaker: Hold the device about 1-2 inches away from the circuit breaker.
  3. Wait for the indicator: The device will indicate the presence of the circuit breaker by lighting up or beeping.
  4. Identify the breaker: Once you've located the breaker, you can identify it by its label or by checking the circuit breaker's rating plate.


The Uni-T circuit breaker finder is a convenient and safe tool that helps you locate circuit breakers quickly and easily. It's a great addition to any DIY enthusiast's toolkit or for anyone who needs to work with electrical systems.