Breast feed in todays news paper in nigeria

Here are some recent news articles about breastfeeding in Nigerian newspapers:

  1. The Punch: "Breastfeeding: Nigeria ranks 34th globally, says UNICEF" (Published: August 2022)

According to the article, Nigeria has been ranked 34th globally in terms of exclusive breastfeeding, with only 23% of children under six months being exclusively breastfed. The report was released by UNICEF to mark World Breastfeeding Week.

  1. Vanguard: "Breastfeeding: Nigeria's low ranking a cause for concern - Experts" (Published: August 2022)

This article highlights the concerns of experts over Nigeria's low ranking in exclusive breastfeeding. Experts attribute the low ranking to factors such as lack of awareness, cultural practices, and limited access to healthcare services.

  1. Daily Trust: "Breastfeeding: Nigeria's low ranking a reflection of poor healthcare system - Experts" (Published: August 2022)

This article emphasizes that Nigeria's low ranking in exclusive breastfeeding is a reflection of the country's poor healthcare system. Experts argue that the lack of investment in healthcare infrastructure and human resources is contributing to the low ranking.

  1. The Nation: "Breastfeeding: Nigeria's ranking a wake-up call for policymakers" (Published: August 2022)

This article calls on policymakers to take action to improve breastfeeding rates in Nigeria. The article highlights the benefits of breastfeeding, including improved child health and economic benefits.

  1. Premium Times: "Breastfeeding: Nigeria's low ranking a result of lack of support for mothers - Experts" (Published: August 2022)

This article emphasizes that the lack of support for mothers is a major factor contributing to Nigeria's low ranking in exclusive breastfeeding. Experts argue that mothers need more support, including access to healthcare services and social support networks.

These articles highlight the importance of breastfeeding and the need for policymakers and healthcare providers to take action to improve breastfeeding rates in Nigeria.