Umuobiligbo new album

You're a fan of Umobong Igbo, also known as Umobong Igbo, the renowned Igbo highlife musician!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Umobong Igbo has not released a new album recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular albums and songs that you might enjoy:

  1. "Ogene" (2015) - This album features a mix of traditional Igbo music and modern highlife sounds.
  2. "Igbo Kwenu" (2012) - This album showcases Umobong Igbo's mastery of traditional Igbo music and his ability to blend it with contemporary styles.
  3. "Nwa Aba" (2009) - This album is a classic, featuring some of Umobong Igbo's most popular songs, including the hit single "Nwa Aba".

Some of his popular songs include:

Keep an eye out for any upcoming releases or concerts featuring Umobong Igbo. You can also follow him on social media to stay updated on his latest projects and performances.

Do you have a favorite Umobong Igbo song or album?