News report writing topics for students

Here are some news report writing topics suitable for students:

Local News

  1. New school policy on bullying: Write a report on a recent policy change aimed at reducing bullying in your school.
  2. Community event: Cover a local event, such as a festival, parade, or charity run, and highlight its significance and impact on the community.
  3. School sports team's recent win: Write a report on a school sports team's recent victory, including interviews with team members and coaches.
  4. New business in town: Report on a new business that has opened in your town, including its services and benefits to the community.
  5. Environmental issue: Write about a local environmental issue, such as pollution, conservation efforts, or a recent natural disaster.

National News

  1. Recent government decision: Write a report on a recent government decision, such as a new law or policy change, and its potential impact on citizens.
  2. Natural disaster: Cover a recent natural disaster, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire, and its effects on the affected areas.
  3. Celebrity news: Write a report on a recent celebrity news story, such as a new movie release or a charity event.
  4. Sports news: Cover a recent sports news story, such as a championship win or a controversy surrounding a sports team.
  5. Technology breakthrough: Report on a recent technological breakthrough, such as a new smartphone or a medical innovation.

International News

  1. Global health crisis: Write a report on a recent global health crisis, such as a pandemic or an outbreak of a new disease.
  2. International conflict: Cover a recent international conflict, such as a war or a diplomatic crisis, and its impact on the world.
  3. Environmental issue: Write about a global environmental issue, such as climate change or deforestation, and its effects on the planet.
  4. Economic news: Report on a recent economic news story, such as a global recession or a new trade agreement.
  5. Cultural event: Write about a recent cultural event, such as a music festival or a art exhibition, and its significance to the global community.

Opinion Pieces

  1. Should school uniforms be mandatory? Write a persuasive essay on the pros and cons of school uniforms.
  2. The impact of social media on mental health: Write a persuasive essay on the effects of social media on mental health and potential solutions.
  3. Should there be a later school start time? Write a persuasive essay on the benefits and drawbacks of a later school start time.
  4. The importance of recycling: Write a persuasive essay on the importance of recycling and ways to increase recycling rates.
  5. Should there be more funding for arts programs in schools? Write a persuasive essay on the benefits of arts programs in schools and the need for increased funding.

Remember to choose topics that are relevant and interesting to your audience, and to follow the basic structure of a news report, including a lead, body, and conclusion. Good luck with your writing!