Ui non academic staff declare war asuu #comments

Here are some possible comments:

UI Non-Academic Staff Declare War on ASUU

@NigerianStudent: This is a welcome development! Non-academic staff have been suffering in silence for too long. It's about time they take a stand against ASUU's exploitation.

@UIStaff: We've had enough of ASUU's arrogance and disregard for our welfare. It's time we fight back and demand our rights.

@ASUUHater: Finally, someone is standing up to ASUU's tyranny. They've been holding our university hostage for too long.

@ConcernedCitizen: This is a dangerous development. We don't want our university to be shut down. Can't we find a peaceful resolution to this conflict?

@UIStudent: I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, I feel for the non-academic staff who are struggling. On the other hand, I don't want my education to be disrupted.

@NonAcademicStaff: We're not asking for much. Just fair treatment and respect. It's time we take a stand and fight for our rights.

@ASUURep: This is a misguided move by the non-academic staff. We're trying to protect the university and its students. This declaration of war will only harm everyone involved.

@NigerianGovernment: What's going on here? Can't you all just resolve your differences peacefully? This is a national embarrassment.

@UIAlumni: I'm shocked by this development. I thought we were all working towards the same goal - to make our university a better place.