New charlie's angels cast

The new Charlie's Angels cast! Here are the talented ladies who will be bringing the iconic franchise back to life:

Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan from Twilight) as Sabina Wilson, a tough and resourceful Angel with a troubled past.

Lizzo (singer-songwriter and actress) as Elena Houghlin, a brilliant and bubbly Angel with a passion for technology and gadgets.

Hannah Dunne (actress known for her roles in The Big Sick and The Good Fight) as Jane Kano, a sharp and sophisticated Angel with a background in finance and international relations.

Ella Balinska (actress and model) as Max Jones, a skilled and athletic Angel with a military background and a talent for hand-to-hand combat.

Naomi Scott (actress known for her roles in Aladdin and Power Rangers) as Elena Houghlin, a brilliant and bubbly Angel with a passion for technology and gadgets. (Note: Naomi Scott was initially announced as part of the cast, but it seems she may not be involved after all.)

The new Charlie's Angels film, directed by Elizabeth Banks, is set to be released on November 15, 2019. The movie promises to bring a fresh and modern take to the classic franchise, with plenty of action, humor, and girl power.