Tuc news

You're looking for news related to TUC (Trades Union Congress), the largest trade union centre in the UK. Here are some recent news articles and updates:

Recent News

  1. TUC calls for urgent action on cost of living crisis: The TUC has urged the government to take immediate action to address the cost of living crisis, which is affecting millions of workers and their families. (Source: TUC website, 2023)
  2. TUC launches campaign to protect workers' rights: The TUC has launched a new campaign to protect workers' rights, including the right to a decent wage, fair working conditions, and a safe and healthy workplace. (Source: BBC News, 2023)
  3. TUC demands better pay and conditions for NHS staff: The TUC has called for better pay and conditions for NHS staff, who are facing a crisis in morale and recruitment due to years of underfunding and understaffing. (Source: The Guardian, 2023)

Recent Updates

  1. TUC Congress 2022: The TUC held its annual Congress in 2022, where delegates from across the UK came together to discuss key issues affecting workers and the trade union movement. (Source: TUC website, 2022)
  2. TUC launches new report on gig economy: The TUC has published a new report on the gig economy, highlighting the need for better regulation and protection for workers in the sector. (Source: TUC website, 2022)
  3. TUC calls for action on climate change: The TUC has called for urgent action on climate change, urging governments and businesses to take immediate action to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. (Source: TUC website, 2022)