Code of conduct violation fg fires justice akanbi

It appears that you are referring to a recent news article or incident involving Justice Akanbi, a judge in Nigeria, and a code of conduct violation.

For those who may not be aware, Justice Akanbi is a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria who was recently appointed as the Chairman of the Federal Government's Special Investigative Panel on the Financial Crimes (FG Fires Justice Akanbi).

The panel was set up to investigate allegations of financial crimes and corruption against some high-ranking government officials. However, Justice Akanbi's appointment has been met with controversy, with many questioning his suitability for the role due to his own alleged involvement in a code of conduct violation.

According to reports, Justice Akanbi was accused of violating the Code of Conduct for Public Officers in Nigeria by failing to declare his assets and interests as required by law. This has led to calls for his removal from the panel and for an investigation into the allegations against him.

It is important to note that Justice Akanbi has denied any wrongdoing and has maintained that he is innocent of the allegations against him. However, the controversy surrounding his appointment has raised concerns about the integrity of the panel and the ability of Justice Akanbi to effectively investigate allegations of financial crimes and corruption.

In conclusion, the code of conduct violation allegedly committed by Justice Akanbi has sparked controversy and raised questions about his suitability for the role of Chairman of the Federal Government's Special Investigative Panel on the Financial Crimes.