Tribunal chairman threatens jail pro saraki senators

It appears that there is a developing story about the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), Danladi Umar, threatening to jail some Senators who are allegedly loyal to Senate President Bukola Saraki.

According to reports, the Chairman of the CCT made this threat during a hearing on the trial of Senate President Bukola Saraki on charges of false declaration of assets. The Chairman allegedly told the Senators that if they continue to interfere with the trial, they would be arrested and jailed.

The Senators who are allegedly loyal to Saraki are said to have been accused of attempting to influence the trial by making statements that could be perceived as attempts to intimidate the Tribunal. The Chairman of the CCT has reportedly warned them that such actions would not be tolerated and that they would face the full weight of the law if they continued to interfere with the trial.

It is worth noting that the trial of Senate President Bukola Saraki has been ongoing for several months, and there have been allegations of political interference and bias on the part of the Tribunal. The Senators who are allegedly loyal to Saraki have been accused of attempting to influence the trial, and the Chairman of the CCT has reportedly warned them that such actions would not be tolerated.

It is unclear at this time whether the Chairman of the CCT will follow through on his threat to jail the Senators, but it is clear that the situation is highly charged and could have significant implications for the trial and the political landscape in Nigeria.