Woman attacked by buffalo at game reserve in nelspruit

I've found a news article about a woman who was attacked by a buffalo at a game reserve in Nelspruit, South Africa. Here's a summary:

Date: 14th February 2022

Location: Kruger National Park, Nelspruit, South Africa

Incident: A 35-year-old woman was attacked by a buffalo while on a guided game drive at the Kruger National Park, a popular game reserve in Nelspruit, South Africa.

Details: According to reports, the woman was part of a group of tourists on a guided game drive when the buffalo suddenly charged at them. The guide managed to get the group to safety, but the woman was caught off guard and suffered serious injuries.

Injuries: The woman sustained severe lacerations and puncture wounds on her legs and arms. She was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Investigation: The South African National Parks (SANParks) and the Kruger National Park authorities launched an investigation into the incident. They are working to determine the circumstances surrounding the attack and whether the buffalo was provoked or if it was a case of self-defense.

Precautions: The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following safety guidelines and instructions when visiting game reserves and national parks. Visitors are advised to stay in their vehicles and follow the guidance of park rangers and guides to minimize the risk of encounters with wild animals.

Source: News24, a South African news website, reported the incident on February 14, 2022.

Please note that this is a summary of a news article and may not include all the details or updates on the incident.