Training ice breaker for overcoming obstacles

Here's a training icebreaker activity that can help teams overcome obstacles:

Activity: "The Obstacle Course"

Objective: To build trust, communication, and problem-solving skills while overcoming obstacles as a team.


  1. Divide the team into small groups of 3-5 people.
  2. Set up an obstacle course in a large, open space (indoor or outdoor). The course should include physical obstacles such as hurdles, cones, balance beams, and tires, as well as mental challenges such as puzzles and brain teasers.
  3. Each group will start at one end of the obstacle course and must work together to complete the course.
  4. The twist: Each group will be given a specific "obstacle" to overcome, such as a "communication breakdown" or a "resource constraint." This obstacle will be revealed at the start of the activity and will require the team to work together to find a solution.
  5. The team that completes the obstacle course the fastest wins.



  1. After the activity, hold a debriefing session to discuss the following questions:
    • What obstacles did you face during the activity?
    • How did you overcome them?
    • What did you learn about your team members and yourself?
    • How can you apply these skills to overcome obstacles in your personal and professional lives?
  2. Encourage team members to share their experiences and insights, and provide feedback and guidance as needed.

