Today in history 121 #comments

Here are 121 "Today in History" events:


  1. 44 BCE: Julius Caesar is assassinated in the Roman Senate.
  2. 1066: The Norman Conquest of England begins.
  3. 1789: The first edition of the Times of London is published.
  4. 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation is issued by President Abraham Lincoln.
  5. 1919: The Paris Peace Conference opens.


  1. 1504: Michelangelo's famous sculpture, "David," is unveiled in Florence, Italy.
  2. 1848: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed, ending the Mexican-American War.
  3. 1913: The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified, introducing the income tax.
  4. 1962: The first Wal-Mart store opens in Rogers, Arkansas.


  1. 1493: Christopher Columbus returns to Spain after his first voyage to the Americas.
  2. 1865: The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified, abolishing slavery.
  3. 1917: The United States declares war on Germany, entering World War I.
  4. 1965: The first spacewalk is performed by Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.


  1. 1521: Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Philippines.
  2. 1865: Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox.
  3. 1945: President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office.
  4. 1968: Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.


  1. 1450: The Ottoman Empire captures Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire.
  2. 1862: The Homestead Act is signed into law, allowing settlers to claim land in the United States.
  3. 1915: The Lusitania sinks after being torpedoed by a German U-boat, killing over 1,000 people.


  1. 1812: The United States declares war on Great Britain, starting the War of 1812.
  2. 1864: The Battle of Cold Harbor begins during the American Civil War.
  3. 1963: The United States and the Soviet Union agree to a nuclear test ban treaty.


  1. 1497: John Cabot lands in North America, claiming it for England.
  2. 1863: The Battle of Gettysburg ends, a turning point in the American Civil War.
  3. 1969: The Apollo 11 spacecraft lands on the Moon, with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin becoming the first humans to set foot on the lunar surface.


  1. 1498: Vasco da Gama returns to Lisbon, Portugal, after discovering the sea route to India.
  2. 1864: The Battle of Atlanta begins during the American Civil War.
  3. 1965: The first commercial satellite, Intelsat 1, is launched into orbit.


  1. 1227: The Mongols capture the city of Samarkand, modern-day Uzbekistan.
  2. 1862: The Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, takes place during the American Civil War.
  3. 1962: The first Wal-Mart store opens in Arkansas, USA.


  1. 1492: Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean, claiming the islands for Spain.
  2. 1864: The Battle of Petersburg, Virginia, begins during the American Civil War.
  3. 1967: The first Super Bowl is played, with the Green Bay Packers defeating the Kansas City Chiefs.


  1. 1493: Christopher Columbus returns to the Caribbean, this time landing in Haiti.
  2. 1864: The Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, takes place during the American Civil War.
  3. 1963: The first episode of the popular TV show "Doctor Who" airs in the UK.


  1. 1066: The Norman Conquest of England is completed with the coronation of William the Conqueror.
  2. 1864: The Battle of Nashville, Tennessee, takes place during the American Civil War.
  3. 1968: The Apollo 8 spacecraft becomes the first to orbit the Moon.

Other notable events

  1. 1215: The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England.
  2. 1517: Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, sparking the Protestant Reformation.
  3. 1775: The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence takes place in Philadelphia.
  4. 1846: The Mexican-American War begins.
  5. 1918: The Spanish flu pandemic reaches its peak, killing millions worldwide.
  6. 1941: The United States enters World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
  7. 1969: The first moon landing is achieved by the Apollo 11 spacecraft.


  1. 1896: The first modern Olympic Games are held in Athens, Greece.
  2. 1927: The New York Yankees win the World Series, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  3. 1960: The Boston Celtics win their first NBA championship.
  4. 1980: The United States hockey team defeats the Soviet Union in the "Miracle on Ice" game.


  1. 1955: Elvis Presley releases his first single, "That's All Right."
  2. 1964: The Beatles release their debut album, "Please Please Me."
  3. 1971: The Who releases their album "Who's Next."
  4. 1985: Madonna releases her album "Like a Virgin."


  1. 1927: The first talking picture, "The Jazz Singer," is released.
  2. 1939: The film "Gone with the Wind" is released.
  3. 1962: The film "Lawrence of Arabia" is released.
  4. 1975: The film "Jaws" is released.


  1. 1876: The first telephone call is made by Alexander Graham Bell.
  2. 1901: The first wireless telegraph message is sent by Guglielmo Marconi.
  3. 1969: The first ARPANET link is established, marking the birth of the internet.
  4. 1981: The first personal computer, the IBM PC, is released.


  1. 1859: The first transatlantic telegraph cable is laid.
  2. 1886: The first electric streetcar is introduced in Richmond, Virginia.
  3. 1929: The stock market crashes, leading to the Great Depression.
  4. 1971: The first ATM is installed in London.
  5. 1980: The first cell phone call is made by Martin Cooper.


  1. 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus publishes his book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," proposing a heliocentric model of the universe.
  2. 1859: Charles Darwin publishes his book "On the Origin of Species."
  3. 1928: Penicillin is discovered by Alexander Fleming.
  4. 1969: The first moon landing is achieved by the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
  5. 1980: The first commercial satellite, Intelsat 1, is launched into orbit.


  1. 1215: The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England.
  2. 1776: The United States Declaration of Independence is signed.
  3. 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation is issued by President Abraham Lincoln.
  4. 1917: The United States declares war on Germany, entering World War I.
  5. 1963: The United States and the Soviet Union agree to a nuclear test ban treaty.
  6. 1980: The United States boycotts the Summer Olympics in Moscow, Russia.


  1. 1503: Michelangelo begins work on his famous sculpture, "David."
  2. 1863: The first Impressionist exhibition is held in Paris.
  3. 1913: The Armory Show, a groundbreaking art exhibition, is held in New York City.
  4. 1962: The first edition of the popular comic book "Spider-Man" is published.
  5. 1980: The first episode of the popular TV show "The Muppet Show" airs.


  1. 1215: The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England.
  2. 1492: Christopher Columbus writes his famous letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
  3. 1859: Charles Dickens publishes his novel "A Tale of Two Cities."
  4. 1922: F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes his novel "The Great Gatsby."
  5. 1960: The first edition of the popular comic book "The Fantastic Four" is published.

Other notable events

  1. 1215: The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England.
  2. 1492: Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean, claiming the islands for Spain.
  3. 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation is issued by President Abraham Lincoln.
  4. 1917: The United States declares war on Germany, entering World War I.
  5. 1963: The United States and the Soviet Union agree to a nuclear test ban treaty.
  6. 1980: The United States boycotts the Summer Olympics in Moscow, Russia.


  1. 1896: The first modern Olympic Games are held in Athens, Greece.
  2. 1927: The New York Yankees win the World Series, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  3. 1960: The Boston Celtics win their first NBA championship.
  4. 1980: The United States hockey team defeats the Soviet Union in the "Miracle on Ice" game.


  1. 1955: Elvis Presley releases his first single, "That's All Right."
  2. 1964: The Beatles release their debut album, "Please Please Me."
  3. 1971: The Who releases their album "Who's Next."
  4. 1985: Madonna releases her album "Like a Virgin."


  1. 1927: The first talking picture, "The Jazz Singer," is released.
  2. 1939: The film "Gone with the Wind" is released.
  3. 1962: The film "Lawrence of Arabia" is released.
  4. 1975: The film "Jaws" is released.


  1. 1876: The first telephone call is made by Alexander Graham Bell.
  2. 1901: The first wireless telegraph message is sent by Guglielmo Marconi.
  3. 1969: The first ARPANET link is established, marking the birth of the internet.
  4. 1981: The first personal computer, the IBM PC, is released.


  1. 1859: The first transatlantic telegraph cable is laid.
  2. 1886: The first electric streetcar is introduced in Richmond, Virginia.
  3. 1929: The stock market crashes, leading to the Great Depression.
  4. 1971: The first ATM is installed in London.
  5. 1980: The first cell phone call is made by Martin Cooper.


  1. 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus publishes his book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," proposing a heliocentric model of the universe.
  2. 1859: Charles Darwin publishes his book "On the Origin of Species."
  3. 1928: Penicillin is discovered by Alexander Fleming.
  4. 1969: The first moon landing is achieved by the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

I hope you enjoyed this list of 121 "Today in History" events!