Zonal integration south east governors converge in enugu

It seems like you're referring to a news article or event about the South East Governors converging in Enugu. Here's a possible summary:

The South East Governors' Forum, comprising the governors of Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, and Abia states, converged in Enugu, the capital of Enugu State, for a zonal integration meeting. The meeting aimed to foster unity, discuss regional issues, and explore ways to promote economic development and security in the region.

During the meeting, the governors likely discussed various topics, such as:

  1. Economic development: They may have discussed ways to boost the region's economy, including infrastructure development, agriculture, and industrialization.
  2. Security: The governors might have addressed security concerns, such as the activities of armed groups, kidnapping, and other crimes, and explored ways to improve security in the region.
  3. Infrastructure development: They may have discussed plans to improve road networks, bridges, and other critical infrastructure in the region.
  4. Regional integration: The meeting could have focused on strengthening ties between the South East states, promoting cultural exchange, and enhancing cooperation in areas like education, healthcare, and tourism.

The meeting was likely attended by other stakeholders, including traditional rulers, lawmakers, and representatives from the federal government. The outcome of the meeting may have included agreements on specific projects, initiatives, or policies to benefit the region.

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