The skull breaker

The Skull Breaker!

The Skull Breaker is a professional wrestling move, also known as the "Spinning Backbreaker" or "Spinning Back Suplex". It's a type of suplex where the wrestler lifts their opponent up and spins them around, before slamming them to the mat.

Here's a breakdown of the move:

  1. The wrestler grabs their opponent's head or hair, usually from behind.
  2. They lift the opponent up, keeping their arms wrapped around their head or hair.
  3. The wrestler then starts to spin the opponent around, using their own momentum to generate power.
  4. As the opponent spins, the wrestler drops down to the mat, using their own body weight to drive the opponent down.
  5. The opponent lands on their back or shoulders, with the wrestler still holding onto their head or hair.

The Skull Breaker is a high-impact move that can be very effective in taking down an opponent. It's often used as a finisher or a way to set up a submission hold. Some notable wrestlers who have used the Skull Breaker include:

However, it's worth noting that the Skull Breaker can be a high-risk move, as it requires a good amount of strength, power, and control to execute safely. If not done correctly, it can lead to injuries, especially if the opponent is not properly secured.

Overall, the Skull Breaker is a thrilling and intimidating move that can be a game-changer in the world of professional wrestling!