The new service chiefs

You're referring to the new service chiefs of the United States Armed Forces! Here's a list of the current service chiefs, who were confirmed by the Senate and took office in 2020 or later:

  1. Chief of Staff of the United States Army: General James C. McConville (promoted to four-star general in 2020)
    • Took office: August 9, 2019
  2. Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Michael M. Gilday (promoted to four-star admiral in 2020)
    • Took office: August 7, 2019
  3. Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force: General Charles Q. Brown Jr. (promoted to four-star general in 2020)
    • Took office: June 6, 2019
  4. Chief of the United States Space Force: General John W. "Jay" Raymond (promoted to four-star general in 2020)
    • Took office: May 14, 2020
  5. Commandant of the United States Marine Corps: General David H. Berger (promoted to four-star general in 2020)
    • Took office: November 22, 2019
  6. Chief of the United States Coast Guard: Admiral Karl L. Schultz
    • Took office: June 1, 2018 (note: the Coast Guard is a unique branch that falls under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, but can be transferred to the Department of the Navy during wartime)

These service chiefs play a crucial role in advising the Secretary of Defense and the President on military matters, as well as overseeing the training, readiness, and operations of their respective branches.