Bbnaija latest news videos

Here are some of the latest news and videos from Big Brother Naija (BBNaija):

Latest News:

  1. BBNaija 2022: Meet the New Housemates - The latest season of BBNaija has kicked off with 12 new housemates, including a former beauty queen, a musician, and a lawyer. [Source: Pulse Nigeria]
  2. Tega's Husband Speaks Out - Tega's husband, Ajey, has spoken out about his wife's involvement in the show, saying he's not happy about it. [Source:]
  3. BBNaija 2022: Who is the Favorite to Win? - According to a recent poll, Pere is the favorite to win the latest season of BBNaija. [Source:]

Latest Videos:

  1. BBNaija 2022: Day 1 Highlights - Watch the highlights from the first day of the latest season of BBNaija. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]
  2. Tega's First Day in the House - Watch Tega's first day in the BBNaija house, including her introduction and first challenge. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]
  3. BBNaija 2022: Housemates' First Task - Watch the housemates' first task, which involves a puzzle and a reward. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]

Popular BBNaija Videos:

  1. BBNaija 2021: Highlights from the Finale - Watch the highlights from the finale of the 2021 season of BBNaija. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]
  2. Tega's Emotional Breakdown - Watch Tega's emotional breakdown after a disagreement with her fellow housemates. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]
  3. BBNaija 2021: Who Won the Show? - Watch the moment the winner of the 2021 season of BBNaija was announced. [Source: YouTube - Big Brother Naija]

I hope you enjoy these latest news and videos from Big Brother Naija!