The new cv format

You're referring to the modern and trendy CV formats that are gaining popularity!

In recent years, the traditional CV format has evolved to incorporate new design elements, layouts, and features that make it more visually appealing and effective in showcasing a candidate's skills and experience. Here are some key elements of the new CV format:

  1. Clean and Simple Design: A modern CV should have a clean and simple design, with plenty of white space to make it easy to read.
  2. Summary or Professional Summary: A brief summary or professional summary at the top of the CV that highlights your most significant achievements, skills, and experience.
  3. Keyword-Rich Headings: Using keywords related to the job you're applying for in your headings, such as "Marketing Expertise" or "Data Analysis Skills".
  4. Bullet Points: Using bullet points to break up large blocks of text and make your achievements and responsibilities stand out.
  5. Action Verbs: Using action verbs like "Managed", "Created", "Developed", and "Improved" to describe your achievements.
  6. Quantifiable Results: Including specific numbers and metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work, such as "Increased sales by 25% in 6 months" or "Reduced project timeline by 30%".
  7. Relevant Sections: Including relevant sections such as a portfolio, certifications, or relevant projects to showcase your skills and experience.
  8. Visual Elements: Using visual elements like icons, images, or infographics to break up the text and make your CV more engaging.
  9. Digital-Friendly Format: Saving your CV in a digital-friendly format like PDF or Word, and making sure it's easy to read on a variety of devices.
  10. Tailored to the Job: Tailoring your CV to each job you apply for by highlighting the skills and experience that match the job requirements.

Here's an example of what a modern CV might look like:

John Doe Marketing Expert

Summary Results-driven marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in digital marketing, seeking a challenging role that utilizes my skills in campaign development, team management, and data analysis.

Marketing Expertise




Remember, the key to a great CV is to showcase your achievements and skills in a clear and concise manner, while also highlighting your unique value proposition and tailoring it to each job you apply for.