The cable newspaper nigeria

You're referring to The Cable Newspaper, a popular online news platform in Nigeria!

The Cable Newspaper is an online news organization that was founded in 2012 by Simon Kolawole, a Nigerian journalist and entrepreneur. The platform is known for its in-depth reporting, investigative journalism, and commentary on current events in Nigeria and beyond.

The Cable Newspaper covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. It has a strong focus on investigative reporting and has broken several high-profile stories over the years, including corruption scandals and human rights abuses.

The platform has gained a reputation for its fearless and independent reporting, and has won several awards for its journalism, including the prestigious Wole Soyinka Award for Investigative Journalism.

Some of the notable features of The Cable Newspaper include:

  1. Investigative reporting: The platform is known for its in-depth investigations into corruption, human rights abuses, and other social and economic issues.
  2. Opinion pieces: The Cable Newspaper features a range of opinion pieces from prominent Nigerian and international writers, covering topics such as politics, economics, and social issues.
  3. News analysis: The platform provides in-depth analysis of current events, including political developments, economic trends, and social issues.
  4. Podcasts: The Cable Newspaper has a range of podcasts that cover topics such as politics, business, and entertainment.
  5. Video content: The platform features a range of video content, including news reports, documentaries, and interviews with prominent figures.

Overall, The Cable Newspaper is a respected and influential online news platform in Nigeria, known for its high-quality journalism and commitment to holding those in power accountable.