The boondocks the new black

A classic reference!

"The Boondocks" is an adult animated series created by Aaron McGruder that aired from 2005 to 2014. The show is known for its sharp satire, social commentary, and irreverent humor. The series follows the adventures of the Freeman family, who move from the inner city to the suburbs, where they encounter a cast of eccentric and often bigoted characters.

"The New Black" is a specific episode from the show's second season, which aired in 2007. The episode is a scathing critique of the entertainment industry's portrayal of African Americans, particularly in the context of the "post-racial" era following Barack Obama's election as the first African American President of the United States.

In the episode, the character of Huey Freeman, a socially conscious and activist-minded teenager, becomes disillusioned with the lack of representation and positive portrayals of African Americans in mainstream media. He decides to create his own TV show, which becomes a satirical commentary on the very same issues he's criticizing.

The episode is notable for its biting humor, clever writing, and unflinching critique of systemic racism and cultural appropriation. It's a powerful commentary on the ways in which media can shape our perceptions of identity, culture, and society.

Overall, "The Boondocks" and "The New Black" are a testament to the power of satire and social commentary in animation, and their influence can still be felt in contemporary media and popular culture.