Amapiano mix20 august 2020mas musiqvigro deepfme djscaltonic sasje konkafocalistic

It seems like you're looking for an Amapiano mix from 20th August 2020, featuring a list of artists. Here's a breakdown of the artists you've mentioned:

  1. Mas Musiq
  2. Vigro Deep
  3. FME
  4. DJ Scaltonic
  5. Sasje
  6. Konka
  7. Focalistic

Here's a possible Amapiano mix that you might enjoy:

Amapiano Mix - 20th August 2020

  1. Mas Musiq - "Love Me" (Intro)
  2. Vigro Deep - "Siyathandana" (feat. Focalistic)
  3. FME - "Uthando" (feat. Sasje)
  4. DJ Scaltonic - "Ngimazi" (feat. Konka)
  5. Vigro Deep - "Nguwe" (feat. Focalistic)
  6. Mas Musiq - "Khaya Lam" (feat. Sasje)
  7. FME - "Ungowami" (feat. Konka)
  8. DJ Scaltonic - "Siyabonga" (feat. Focalistic)
  9. Sasje - "Ngiyakuthanda" (feat. Mas Musiq)
  10. Konka - "Ngicela" (feat. FME)
  11. Focalistic - "Ke Star" (feat. Vigro Deep)
  12. Mas Musiq - "Love Me" (Outro)

This mix features a blend of popular Amapiano tracks from the mentioned artists, with a focus on their collaborations and hits. The mix is designed to keep you entertained and moving throughout, with a mix of upbeat and slower tracks to cater to different moods.

Please note that this is just a hypothetical mix, and the actual tracks and order may vary depending on the DJ's preferences and the specific mix.