Teenager steals n340000 after hiding in banks toilet overnight

Wow, that's quite a shocking and unusual story! It sounds like the teenager in question must have been feeling quite desperate or reckless to resort to such a drastic measure.

According to the article, the teenager hid in the bank's toilet overnight and then stole N340,000 (approximately $900 USD) from the bank's vault. It's not clear what motivated the teenager to take such a risk, but it's likely that they were facing some kind of financial or personal crisis that led them to make such a bold and illegal move.

It's also worth noting that the bank's security measures must have been compromised in some way for the teenager to be able to hide in the toilet and then access the vault. This could be a wake-up call for the bank to review and improve their security protocols to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

What do you think about this story? Have you ever heard of anything like this happening before?