Tbc news live

You're looking for the latest news from TBC News, a popular news channel in Georgia!

Here are a few ways you can access TBC News live:

  1. TBC News Website: You can visit the official TBC News website (www.tbnews.ge) and click on the "Live" or "24/7" tab to watch the latest news broadcast.
  2. YouTube: TBC News has an official YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/tbnewsge) where you can watch live streams and previous news broadcasts.
  3. Facebook: TBC News also has an official Facebook page (www.facebook.com/tbnewsge) where you can watch live streams and stay updated on the latest news.
  4. Mobile App: You can download the TBC News mobile app (available for Android and iOS devices) to watch live news and stay updated on the go.
  5. Satellite TV: If you have a satellite TV subscription, you can tune into TBC News on various channels, including Eutelsat 36A (frequency: 11595 MHz, polarization: H, symbol rate: 27500).

Please note that the availability of TBC News live stream may vary depending on your location and internet connection.