Tag worshippers

I'm assuming you're referring to people who worship or follow a particular tag or label. Here are a few examples:

  1. #MeToo worshippers: People who support the movement against sexual harassment and assault, and use the hashtag to raise awareness and solidarity.
  2. Sustainability worshippers: Individuals who prioritize environmental protection and sustainable living, often adopting eco-friendly habits and advocating for climate action.
  3. Influencer worshippers: Fans of social media personalities who follow their online content, fashion, and lifestyle, often emulating their style and interests.
  4. Gaming worshippers: Enthusiasts of video games, who spend hours playing, streaming, and discussing their favorite titles with fellow gamers.
  5. Wellness worshippers: People who prioritize self-care, mental health, and physical well-being, often following wellness trends, yoga, and meditation practices.
  6. Foodie worshippers: Adventurous eaters who explore different cuisines, cooking techniques, and restaurants, often sharing their culinary experiences online.
  7. Travel worshippers: Wanderlusters who love exploring new destinations, cultures, and experiences, often documenting their travels on social media.
  8. Music worshippers: Fans of specific genres, artists, or festivals, who attend concerts, follow music blogs, and share their favorite tunes with others.
  9. Fashion worshippers: Enthusiasts of style, fashion trends, and designer brands, often following fashion bloggers, influencers, and runway shows.
  10. Sports worshippers: Fans of specific teams, athletes, or sports, who attend games, follow sports news, and engage in friendly rivalries with fellow enthusiasts.

These are just a few examples, but there are countless other tags and labels that people can worship or follow.