Convert n n to new line in html

In HTML, you can use the <br> element to create a new line. The <br> element is a self-closing tag, which means it doesn't need a closing tag.

For example:

This is the first line of text.<br>
This is the second line of text.

This will render as:

This is the first line of text. This is the second line of text.

Alternatively, you can use the <p> element to create a new paragraph, which will also create a new line:

This is the first line of text.<p>This is the second line of text.

This will also render as:

This is the first line of text. This is the second line of text.

If you want to convert a string of text that contains newline characters (\n) to a new line in HTML, you can use the replace() method:

const text = "This is the first line of text\nThis is the second line of text";
const htmlText = text.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");

This will replace each newline character (\n) with a <br> element, resulting in:

This is the first line of text<br>This is the second line of text

You can then use this HTML text in your HTML document.