Tag privatisation act

The Tag Privatisation Act, also known as the Tagging of Prisoners Act, is a law in India that allows the government to privatize the process of tagging prisoners, which is a system of monitoring and tracking the movement of prisoners outside of prison walls.

The act was passed in 2018 and allows private companies to bid for contracts to provide tagging services to the government. The tagging process involves fitting prisoners with electronic devices that track their movements and allow authorities to monitor their activities.

The act was introduced to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the prison system, as well as to reduce the financial burden on the government. It is also intended to provide better rehabilitation and reintegration services to prisoners.

Some of the key provisions of the Tag Privatisation Act include:

  1. The government can privatize the tagging process by inviting bids from private companies.
  2. The private companies will be responsible for providing the tagging devices and services to the government.
  3. The government will pay the private companies a fee for the services provided.
  4. The private companies will be responsible for ensuring that the tagging devices are secure and that the information collected is accurate and reliable.
  5. The government will have access to the information collected by the private companies and can use it to monitor the movements and activities of prisoners.

The Tag Privatisation Act has been criticized by some for its potential impact on the privacy and human rights of prisoners. Some have expressed concerns that the act could lead to the exploitation of prisoners and the erosion of their rights.

However, the government has defended the act, saying that it is necessary to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the prison system and to provide better rehabilitation and reintegration services to prisoners.