Bartimaeus trilogy new covers

Exciting news! The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud has been re-released with new covers. Here are the new covers for each book in the trilogy:

  1. The Amulet of Samarkand (2003)
    • Original cover: A golden amulet on a black background with intricate patterns.
    • New cover: A stunning illustration of Bartimaeus, the powerful djinni, with a cityscape in the background.
  2. The Golem's Eye (2004)
    • Original cover: A golem's eye on a dark blue background with a hint of ancient architecture.
    • New cover: A dramatic illustration of a golem emerging from the shadows, with a cityscape in the background.
  3. Ptolemy's Gate (2005)
    • Original cover: A mysterious gate with ancient symbols and a hint of magic.
    • New cover: A breathtaking illustration of Ptolemy, the young magician, standing in front of a massive, ancient gate, with a cityscape in the background.

The new covers were designed by illustrator Tomislav Tomic, who has done an amazing job of capturing the essence of the trilogy. The covers feature intricate details, bold colors, and a sense of magic and adventure that perfectly reflects the story.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy is a beloved series of fantasy novels that follows the adventures of Nathaniel, a young magician, and Bartimaeus, a powerful djinni, as they navigate the complexities of magic, politics, and power in an alternate version of 18th-century London.

If you're a fan of the series or just discovering it, these new covers are sure to grab your attention and draw you into the world of magic and adventure that Jonathan Stroud has created.