Tag peace agreement

Here are some notable peace agreements:

  1. Camp David Accords (1978): A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, brokered by US President Jimmy Carter, which led to a formal peace treaty and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Sinai Peninsula.
  2. Good Friday Agreement (1998): A peace agreement between the British government and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) that brought an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland and established a power-sharing government.
  3. Oslo Accords (1993): A peace agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that established the framework for a two-state solution and led to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and Jericho.
  4. Camp David Summit (2000): A peace agreement between Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the United States that aimed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but ultimately failed to achieve a lasting peace.
  5. Northern Ireland Peace Agreement (1998): A peace agreement between the British government and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) that brought an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland and established a power-sharing government.
  6. Dayton Peace Accords (1995): A peace agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia that ended the Bosnian War and established a decentralized government.
  7. Angola Peace Accords (2002): A peace agreement between the government of Angola and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) that ended the Angolan Civil War.
  8. Sudan Peace Agreement (2005): A peace agreement between the government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) that ended the Second Sudanese Civil War.
  9. Niger Delta Peace Agreement (2009): A peace agreement between the Nigerian government and the Niger Delta Avengers, a militant group fighting for greater autonomy and economic development in the Niger Delta region.
  10. Cairo Agreement (2014): A peace agreement between the government of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, which aimed to end political violence and restore stability in Egypt.

These are just a few examples of peace agreements that have been brokered and signed around the world.