Tag pakistans supreme court

Here are some notable judgments and cases related to Pakistan's Supreme Court:

Landmark Cases:

  1. NRO Case (2012): The Supreme Court declared the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) unconstitutional, which had granted amnesty to politicians and officials accused of corruption.
  2. Memogate Case (2012): The court ordered the arrest of former Ambassador to the United States, Husain Haqqani, for allegedly drafting a memo asking the US to intervene in Pakistan's government to prevent a military coup.
  3. Disqualification of Nawaz Sharif (2017): The court disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from office in the Panama Papers case, citing corruption and misuse of power.
  4. Blasphemy Law Case (2018): The court ruled that the blasphemy law, which carries the death penalty, is constitutional, but also emphasized the need for its fair application and protection of religious minorities.


  1. Article 199 Judgment (2019): The court ruled that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has the authority to disqualify a candidate from contesting elections if they are found guilty of corruption or misuse of power.
  2. NAB Amendment Judgment (2019): The court struck down several amendments to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) law, which had given the anti-corruption watchdog more powers to investigate and prosecute corruption cases.
  3. Khan vs. PTI Judgment (2020): The court ruled that Imran Khan, the then-Prime Minister, was not guilty of contempt of court for his remarks about the judiciary.

Notable Judges:

  1. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry: Known for his bold judgments, including the NRO case and the Memogate case.
  2. Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa: Served as the Chief Justice of Pakistan from 2018 to 2019 and was known for his strong stance against corruption and terrorism.
  3. Justice Gulzar Ahmed: Currently serving as the Chief Justice of Pakistan and has been known for his judgments on issues such as the blasphemy law and the NAB law.


  1. Judicial Activism: The Supreme Court has been criticized for overstepping its constitutional bounds and interfering in political matters.
  2. Partisan Politics: The court has been accused of taking sides in political disputes and favoring certain political parties or individuals.
  3. Lack of Transparency: The court has faced criticism for its lack of transparency in its decision-making process and the secrecy surrounding its judgments.