List of cities in new york usa
Here is a list of cities in New York, USA:
New York City (5 boroughs)
- Manhattan
- Brooklyn
- Queens
- The Bronx
- Staten Island
Upstate New York
- Albany (capital city)
- Buffalo
- Rochester
- Syracuse
- Utica
- Binghamton
- Poughkeepsie
- Newburgh
- Kingston
- Glens Falls
- Plattsburgh
- Watertown
- Jamestown
- Ithaca
- Cortland
Long Island
- Long Beach
- Hempstead
- Garden City
- Mineola
- Hicksville
- Westbury
- Syosset
- Jericho
- Bethpage
- Massapequa
Hudson Valley
- Yonkers
- White Plains
- Mount Vernon
- New Rochelle
- Peekskill
- Beacon
- Cold Spring
- Fishkill
- Poughkeepsie
- Newburgh
North Country
- Ogdensburg
- Massena
- Watertown
- Lowville
- Carthage
- Gouverneur
- Canton
- Potsdam
- Malone
- Ticonderoga
Capital District
- Albany (capital city)
- Schenectady
- Troy
- Cohoes
- Watervliet
- Rensselaer
- Amsterdam
- Gloversville
- Johnstown
- Glens Falls
Finger Lakes
- Ithaca
- Geneva
- Waterloo
- Seneca Falls
- Auburn
- Cortland
- Oswego
- Fulton
- Syracuse
- Binghamton
Central New York
- Syracuse
- Utica
- Rome
- Oneida
- Sherrill
- Camden
- Watertown
- Lowville
- Carthage
- Gouverneur
Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other cities and towns in New York that are not included here.