Tag nscdc

You're referring to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)!

NSIDC is a research organization that studies the Earth's cryosphere, which includes snow, ice, and frozen ground. They provide data, research, and analysis on the extent and thickness of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, as well as glaciers, ice sheets, and frozen ground.

Some of the key areas of research at NSIDC include:

  1. Sea ice extent and thickness: NSIDC tracks the extent and thickness of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice using satellite data and other methods.
  2. Glacier and ice sheet dynamics: NSIDC studies the movement and behavior of glaciers and ice sheets, including their contribution to sea level rise.
  3. Frozen ground: NSIDC researches the properties and behavior of frozen ground, including permafrost and seasonally frozen soil.
  4. Climate change: NSIDC investigates the impacts of climate change on the cryosphere, including changes in sea ice extent, glacier retreat, and thawing of permafrost.

NSIDC is a valuable resource for scientists, policymakers, and the general public interested in understanding the Earth's cryosphere and its role in the global climate system.