Board of directors of new mwanza hotel tanzania

I've searched for the Board of Directors of New Mwanza Hotel in Tanzania, but I couldn't find the exact information. However, I can suggest some possible sources where you may be able to find the information:

  1. Company websites: You can try searching for the hotel's website and looking for the "About Us" or "Management" section, which may list the members of the Board of Directors.
  2. Tanzania Investment Centre: The Tanzania Investment Centre is a government agency that provides information on businesses and investments in Tanzania. You can visit their website and search for the hotel's profile, which may include information on the Board of Directors.
  3. Tanzania Stock Exchange: If the hotel is listed on the Tanzania Stock Exchange, you can visit their website and search for the hotel's profile, which may include information on the Board of Directors.
  4. Business directories: You can also try searching for business directories that list companies in Tanzania, such as the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture or the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation.

Here are a few possible contacts that may be able to provide you with the information:

Please note that the information may not be publicly available, and you may need to contact the hotel or the relevant authorities directly to obtain the information.