Tag nigeria will lose 1 3tn to ecowaseu economic pact man

I think there may be a slight mistake in your statement. Nigeria is not expected to lose $1.3 trillion to the ECOWAS economic pact. Here's a breakdown of the actual situation:

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has been working towards creating a single market and customs union among its member states. This pact aims to promote economic integration, increase trade, and boost economic growth in the region.

In 2020, ECOWAS signed a protocol on the establishment of a single currency, the Eco, which is expected to replace the various national currencies of member states. The protocol aims to create a single market with a common currency, which will facilitate trade and investment within the region.

However, Nigeria, being the largest economy in West Africa, has expressed concerns about the potential impact of the single currency on its economy. Some experts have estimated that the adoption of the Eco could lead to a loss of around $1.3 trillion in Nigeria's foreign reserves, as the country's currency, the naira, would be pegged to the Eco.

However, it's important to note that this estimate is still speculative, and the actual impact of the single currency on Nigeria's economy is still uncertain. The Nigerian government has also expressed its commitment to ensuring that the country's economy is protected and that the benefits of the single currency are shared fairly among all stakeholders.

In summary, while there may be concerns about the potential impact of the ECOWAS single currency on Nigeria's economy, the estimate of a $1.3 trillion loss is still speculative and requires further analysis and discussion.