Tag new igp

You're looking to tag a new IGP (Intermediate Graphics Pipeline)!

To tag a new IGP, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the IGP: Determine the specific IGP you want to tag. This could be a new graphics processing unit (GPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU) with a specific configuration.
  2. Gather information: Collect relevant information about the IGP, such as its architecture, memory configuration, and performance characteristics.
  3. Choose a tagging scheme: Select a tagging scheme that is widely used and accepted in the industry. Some popular tagging schemes include:
    • PCI-SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group) IGP tags
    • Intel's IGP tagging scheme
    • AMD's IGP tagging scheme
  4. Assign a unique identifier: Assign a unique identifier to the IGP using the chosen tagging scheme. This identifier should be a combination of letters and numbers that is easy to read and remember.
  5. Document the tagging: Document the tagging scheme and the unique identifier assigned to the IGP. This documentation should include information about the IGP's architecture, memory configuration, and performance characteristics.

Here's an example of how you might tag a new IGP using the PCI-SIG tagging scheme:

PCI-SIG IGP Tagging Scheme

Unique Identifier: 0x10DE:1234:5678:01

This unique identifier can be used to identify the IGP in documentation, marketing materials, and technical specifications.

Remember to follow the guidelines and conventions of the chosen tagging scheme to ensure consistency and accuracy.