Tag niger delta lawmakers insist on possessing 65 percent oil well

I think there may be some misinformation or misunderstanding here.

To clarify, the Niger Delta region in Nigeria is a significant oil-producing area, and the federal government has a constitutional responsibility to manage the country's natural resources. The Nigerian Constitution does not provide for a specific percentage of oil wells to be allocated to any particular region or group of lawmakers.

In fact, the Nigerian government has a long-standing policy of allocating oil blocks and concessions to companies through a competitive bidding process, with the aim of maximizing revenue and promoting economic development.

It's possible that you may be referring to a specific proposal or demand made by some lawmakers from the Niger Delta region, but I couldn't find any credible information to support the claim that they are insisting on possessing 65% of oil wells.

It's important to note that the Niger Delta region has faced significant environmental and social challenges related to oil production, including oil spills, gas flaring, and community displacement. Many stakeholders, including lawmakers, have called for greater transparency, accountability, and equitable distribution of oil revenues to benefit the region and its communities.

However, any demands or proposals related to oil well allocation would need to be carefully considered and negotiated through the appropriate channels, including the federal government, state governments, and other stakeholders.

If you have any further information or context about the specific proposal or demand you're referring to, I'd be happy to help clarify things.