China us to resume high level trade talks in october

According to recent reports, China and the United States have agreed to resume high-level trade talks in October. This development comes after a prolonged stalemate in negotiations, which had been ongoing since May.

The decision to resume talks was announced by Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, who is the chief negotiator for China, during a meeting with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

The resumption of talks is seen as a positive development, as it suggests that both sides are willing to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve their differences and reach a trade agreement. The talks are expected to focus on key issues such as tariffs, intellectual property, and technology transfers.

The US-China trade dispute has been ongoing for over a year, with both sides imposing tariffs on each other's goods worth hundreds of billions of dollars. The dispute has had significant economic and financial implications, including a slowdown in global trade and a decline in business confidence.

The resumption of talks is seen as a step towards resolving the trade dispute and restoring stability to the global economy. However, the outcome of the talks is uncertain, and it remains to be seen whether the two sides can reach a comprehensive agreement.

Here are some key points to note:

Overall, the resumption of high-level trade talks between China and the US is a positive development, and it suggests that both sides are willing to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve their differences and reach a trade agreement.