Tag men react as they stand outside buses evacuating people from a rebel held sector of eastern aleppo

Here are some possible reactions from the Tag Men as they stand outside buses evacuating people from a rebel-held sector of eastern Aleppo:

Ahmed: (looking around nervously) "This is it, brothers. We're finally getting out of this hellhole. I never thought I'd see the day."

Khalid: (scanning the area) "Keep your eyes open, guys. We don't know what kind of traps or snipers might be waiting for us."

Omar: (looking at the buses) "Can you believe it? We're actually leaving. I never thought I'd be able to escape this place."

Mohammed: (sighing) "I'm just glad we made it out alive. So many of our brothers didn't make it."

Abdul: (looking up at the sky) "Thank God we're getting out of here. I never thought I'd see the light of day again."

Hassan: (looking around at the other Tag Men) "We did it, brothers. We survived. Now let's get out of here and make sure our families are safe."

Amir: (looking at the buses) "I never thought I'd be leaving Aleppo. This city has been my home for so long. It's hard to believe it's finally over."

Rami: (looking around nervously) "Keep your wits about you, guys. We don't know what kind of dangers might be waiting for us outside these buses."

Tarek: (looking at the other Tag Men) "We did it, brothers. We made it out of hell. Now let's make sure we never forget what we went through."

These reactions are just possibilities, and the actual reactions of the Tag Men would depend on their individual personalities and experiences.