Opus dei new york

Opus Dei is a personal prelature of the Catholic Church that was founded in 1928 by Saint Josemaría Escrivá. It is a lay organization that is dedicated to spreading the message of Christianity and promoting the sanctification of all people, regardless of their profession or social status.

Opus Dei has a strong presence in New York City, with several centers and activities throughout the city. Here are a few examples:

  1. The Opus Dei Center in Manhattan: This is the main center of Opus Dei in New York City, located in the heart of Manhattan. The center offers a variety of activities, including Mass, confession, and spiritual direction.
  2. The Opus Dei University Center: This center is located on the campus of New York University and is dedicated to promoting the values of Opus Dei among students and faculty. The center offers a variety of activities, including Mass, confession, and spiritual direction.
  3. The Opus Dei Young Adults Group: This group is for young adults (ages 18-35) who are interested in learning more about Opus Dei and its teachings. The group meets regularly for Mass, prayer, and social activities.
  4. The Opus Dei Women's Group: This group is for women who are interested in learning more about Opus Dei and its teachings. The group meets regularly for Mass, prayer, and social activities.
  5. The Opus Dei Men's Group: This group is for men who are interested in learning more about Opus Dei and its teachings. The group meets regularly for Mass, prayer, and social activities.

Opus Dei is known for its emphasis on the importance of work and daily life as a means of sanctification. The organization encourages its members to integrate their faith into all aspects of their lives, including their work, family, and social relationships.

If you are interested in learning more about Opus Dei or attending one of its activities in New York City, you can visit the organization's website or contact the Opus Dei Center in Manhattan.