Tag man walks in on own funeral

The classic "Taggart's Funeral" scenario!

For those who may not know, this is a famous plot twist from the British TV series "Taggart," where a detective named Jim Taggart (played by Mark McManus) would often find himself investigating a murder that took place at a funeral, only to discover that the deceased was actually a lookalike or a doppelganger.

The scenario you're referring to is likely the 1983 episode "Nothing But the Night," where Taggart walks into his own funeral, thinking he's just arrived at a stranger's funeral. The twist is that the deceased is actually a lookalike who had been impersonating Taggart, and the real Taggart is still very much alive.

This plot twist has become a cultural reference point, symbolizing the idea of a character's identity being turned upside down. It's often used as a humorous example of a "plot twist" or a "twist ending" in popular culture.

So, if someone says "Taggart walks in on his own funeral," they're usually referring to this iconic TV moment, where the detective's identity is turned on its head in a shocking and unexpected way!