How to start a new paragraph in an essay

Starting a new paragraph in an essay can be a crucial part of effective writing. Here are some tips to help you do it smoothly:

  1. Use a transition word or phrase: Begin your new paragraph with a transition word or phrase that connects it to the previous paragraph. This helps to guide the reader through your essay and shows how your ideas are related. Examples of transition words and phrases include:
    • However
    • In addition
    • Moreover
    • Furthermore
    • Additionally
    • On the other hand
    • Meanwhile
    • Consequently
  2. Introduce a new idea or topic: A new paragraph is a great opportunity to introduce a new idea, concept, or topic. Make sure it's clearly related to the previous paragraph, but not a repetition of the same idea.
  3. Use a topic sentence: A topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main point of your paragraph. It should be clear, concise, and focused on the new idea or topic you're introducing.
  4. Use a signal phrase: A signal phrase is a phrase that indicates the start of a new paragraph. It can be a phrase that introduces a new idea, quotes someone, or summarizes a previous point. Examples of signal phrases include:
    • As I mentioned earlier
    • In conclusion
    • To illustrate this point
    • According to [author's name]
  5. Leave a blank line: Make sure to leave a blank line between paragraphs to separate them visually. This helps the reader to distinguish between different ideas and makes your essay easier to follow.
  6. Use a clear and concise sentence: Start your new paragraph with a clear and concise sentence that sets the tone for the rest of the paragraph. Avoid using complex sentences or jargon that might confuse your reader.

Here's an example of how you might start a new paragraph:

Previous paragraph: The benefits of recycling are numerous. Not only does it conserve natural resources, but it also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills.

New paragraph: However, recycling also has economic benefits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling creates jobs and stimulates economic growth.

In this example, the transition word "however" connects the new paragraph to the previous one, while the topic sentence "recycling also has economic benefits" introduces a new idea. The signal phrase "According to the Environmental Protection Agency" provides context and credibility to the information that follows.